Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Watercolours for Xmas

Well, I've just got my new set of watercolours and painting away. I've gotten into Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales and I find some of the tales very appealing to my visual imagination.

Right now I'm running around The Snow Queen and there was a particular part of the story that caught my attention.

To sum it up, it's about little Gerta trying to find Kay who was taken away by the snow queen. and there is a chapter where she meets the Robber Girl. She's a rough image and runs a knife along a reindeer's neck to tickle it.

Meanwhile Gerta tell the Robber Girl about how she went out into the world looking for Kay. And despite her forcefully wanting Gerta as her playmate, she decides to give her the reindeer. Kind of reminds me how some people look hard on the outside and happen to be a heart of gold in the end.

So, I sketched the drawing and I've started coating it with the first layers of watercolour. It's starting to show and as soon as it's done I'll put it up.

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