Gustave Doré's work is more biblical but if we relate fairies with mythology we find an interesting link. The notion of a dark fairies is not far off from The Story of Redemption. The fall of the angels from the sky is thought to have brought all those supernatural beings upon earth. One of them being depicted here is Lucifer, or better known as The Fall of Lucifer, illustrated by Gustave Doré. The story goes as such, Lucifer was an exalted angel in heaven, and quite beloved as he was the next closest to God, after his son. Lucifer grew jealous of Christ not knowing why God was to have as his equal, or even what God had in store for his son. Lucifer then sought a rebellion and thus became Gods adversary also known as Satan. Claiming his freedom the War of Heaven came to be. The story is far more intricate, but as you can imagine, the heavens needed to be returned to its bliss. Those angels, dark angels or even as some would see it dark fairies come from that part of the story. And the Darkest Fairy of all Fell from the Heavens. Why not have this example as cute fairy tattoo. OK, a little bit too dark, but interesting isn't it?
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